Matteo Piombo

: About Me : Blog :

About Me

Business Intelligence

  • Serverless solutions on AWS cloud


  • Cloud computing (AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner)

  • Software development
    • Programming in different high and low level languages such as Swift, Objective-C, PHP, Javascript, R, Matlab, Python. Mobile and web applications.
    • Interaction with third party services such as Facebook, Goolge
  • Data Analysis techniques such as linear regression, and Machine Learning such as deep learning using dedicated tools like R or Matlab.
  • Systems administration: participated for several years in coordination and operations in health care data center.


I like running in the early morning … really early.

Master swimmer since age 25. Sadly now I can’t practice it due to time constraints :-(

Rugby when I was really young: from 8 to 10. It gave me a strong and valuable inprinting

Curriculum Vitae Curriculum Vitae